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Assistive Technology

Mission Statement

The mission of the HBM Assistive Technology Department is to help member schools create and maintain equitable learning environments for all students with an IEP or 504 plan. The department fulfills this mission by providing access to resources for accessible educational materials, offering recommendations for assistive technology, delivering professional development, and providing technical support to help integrate technology into the students’ curriculum.


  • Lending Library

The HBM Assistive Technology Lending Library provides member schools with access to assistive technology tools that can be borrowed for a specific period. These tools are designed to support students with disabilities, enabling them to participate more fully in the learning process. The library offers a variety of accessible educational materials and technical support to enhance the educational experience for these students.

  •  Professional Development

The HBM Assistive Technology Department provides various professional development opportunities, which are offered in person at school locations or virtually. A variety of topics ranging from AT and the IEP to app-specific training is offered to provide support with AT in the classroom, devices and strategies. Professional development can also be designed to fit the school’s needs.

  •  Evaluations and Consultations

The HBM Assistive Technology Department provides AT evaluations and consultation services to school districts within the Hamilton Boone Madison Special Services Cooperative for students with an IEP or 504 Plan. An Assistive Technology Specialist will meet with the student’s team to gather relevant information to make informed recommendations about assistive technology solutions. Click this link to learn more about Evaluations and Consultations.

  •  Training and Coaching

Training and coaching are important aspects of successfully using assistive technology. Our AT specialists will work with the student and educational teams to provide personalized training on devices and applications to meet learning needs. Ongoing coaching is offered to ensure successful implementation in the classroom and learning environment.


Assistive Technology Team

Leta Donica MS

Joan Goldfarb MS, OTR