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Limitless Transition Services

noblesville special education high school vocational training

HBM Limitless Transition Program is currently located at the  Noblesville Community Center.  The Limitless Transition Program is a community-based program where students continue their journey into the adult world with opportunities of continuing education in course work : career readiness, health habits/wellness , recreation/leisure, daily living skills, self-determination skills, employment skills, more  to explore, trial work experiences and so much more  This community based program prepares students/  families for a seamless transition, working together with post secondary agencies  and supports. 

HBM Limitless Transition Program services the following school districts: 

  • Noblesville Schools                       
  • Sheridan Community Schools
  • Hamilton Heights Schools
  • South Madison Schools
  • Frankton Lapel Community Schools
  • Elwood Community Schools 

HBM Limitless Staff 

  • Jamie Frederick, Transition Teacher, 317-773-2253 x 38205               
  • Tony Jeffers, Job Coach                                                                                     
  • Kevin Moreland, Job Coach         
  • Jeff Snodgrass, Job Coach
  • Lee Ann Plecker, Job Coach
  • Elizabeth Sondgeroth, Job Coach                                                              

HBM Transition Coordinator 

HBM Special Services Director 

  • Steve Wornhoff , 317-773-2134                                                                                                                                            

More Limitless Transition and Vocational Program Details  

Transition Assessments

    Helpful Links:    

HBM Limitless Noblesville Vocational Program