Blind Low Vision
TBLV’s provide Functional Vision Assessments and Learning Media Assessments to determine service, material, and educational accommodations and modification needs.
Orientation & Mobility: Also known as O&M, is the teaching of concepts, skills, and techniques that aid a person with visual impairment to safely and efficiently travel through his/her various environments. O&M can be provided with or without the use of a white cane or assistive mobility device (AMD). For a student to qualify for O&M services, s/he must be assessed for need by a certified orientation and mobility specialist.
Shelby Metzler - Teacher for Blind/Low Vision
Jennifer Abbott - Teacher for Blind/Low Vision
Jill Pangle - Teacher / O&M Specialist
Helpful Links:
American Printing House for the Blind
The Hadley School For the Blind
Talking Book and Braille Library
Perkins School for the Blind